Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Yo yo yiggity yo!
Today has been full of many adventures! We began our morning strolling down the long, sandy peninsula in search of least tern nests and eggs. Helping CEDO conduct their census on this bird, we went about walking and identifying nests with or with out eggs.  We than documented if eggs found outside the nest were broken/eaten or if the wind had simply pushed it out of its home. It was important to accurately record the numbers because this species of bird is near endangerment. Later that afternoon, we kayaked to an estuary. Boy was it an arm work out! Good thing I doubled up with Glenn so he took most of the beating. ;) Once there, we sunk our feet (literally) into the squishy mud flat. One of main critters in the area was the fiddler crab. You can tell a male from a female by looking at the cheliped. Females have symmetrically sized pinchers while males have one much larger than the other. This serves no function for pinching or eating but it does help attract the ladies! After the rigorous ride back we got some dinner and chilled the rest of the night. I did get so sunburnt! Sorry mom....
Over and out,

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