Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Goin' on a bird hunt...

This morning we woke up with the sun, and drove to an estuary to participate in the least tern census. The least tern is the smallest of the terns, and this morning we all helped count eggs, birds, and even a few chicks. Populations of this bird are endangered in some areas mainly due to the impact humans have on beaches. Taking a count of these birds lets us know usually how well the population is doing. We paired up and lined up in a grid to make sure all the ground was covered. At the beginning, walking through the sand and shells, Chelsea and I had no luck, just a bunch of empty nests. Towards the end, however, we came across a few nests with eggs in them! Shortly after, everyone was called over to check out a baby chick Professor Bennett saved from the water's edge. We all got a chance to pet the tiny chick, and then we attempted to put it back somewhere safe. Now, everyone is resting and working on their projects. Later today, we get to go kayaking in the estuaries. I'm ready for my upper body workout!

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