Monday, May 18, 2015

Ello poppets,
On today's adventure we shuffled through the soft sediment of Cholla Bay in search of any critters lurking in the dirt, under rocks, or any other place they could make their home. Amongst the blue crabs and several octopuses, we came across a beautifully slimy sea hare. It's large muscular foot was attached to huge rock along with another entity which looked liked spaghetti. Come to find out, the spaghetti like structure was actually a secretion made by the hare which held thousands of tiny little eggs. I have a new found love for this lady hare! Not usually found in the intertidal, she exposed herself to the stresses of higher temperatures and salinity. I am grateful however that she was able to withstand these imbalances so that I may observe and touch this squishy mollusk.

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