Monday, May 18, 2015


Today was totally AWESOME!!! This morning we drove down to La Cholla to check out the soft bottom intertidal. My mission for the day was to find an octopus, not matter how small. Fortunately, one of the first rocks I turned over had a little Pygmy octopus underneath! My mission was already complete. As we ventured on, we found sand dollars, snails, and Fitch's octopus. About halfway through our journey, I came across a pretty large cone snail. If this snail detects fish, it will extend its proboscis. The proboscis contains a venomous harpoon, which is shot into the fish when the proboscis makes contact with the fish's body. The venom from the harpoon enters the fish and instantly paralyses it. This was a pretty cool find. Tomorrow, we head out early to snorkel with the sea lions (not seals) and hopefully see some other neat creatures along the way! 


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