Friday, May 22, 2015


Today we had a nice relaxing day, we got to learn about marine mammals with Paloma, who is an instructor here at CEDO, and she told us about the Vaquita who is an endangered porpoise here in Mexico.  It was interesting to learn about how the Mexican government is trying to help the Vaquita survive by putting restrictions on the fisherman and in why area that they can take the fish from. A huge reason Vaquita is endangered is because when the fisherman fish; they use gill nets and since Vaquita is a marine mammals, it needs to breathe air and by being trapped in the nets it can't get the oxygen that it needs to survive. Over the past 5 years Vaquita's population has nearly dwindled from 400 to only 97 in the whole ocean. It was cool because we learned how we as the next generation biologists (in semi-training) can help and make changes in the world that we live in. 
   Tomorrow we are getting up pretty early to make a track out to the salt mines to Check it out! Write more tomorrow!


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